Indigenous Voices 2021 | Special Edition
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Inuit tattoos, or kakiniit, were once banned. Now they are worn with pride.
Photography by Denise Peterson
with text by Jana Angulalik
Uprooted repeatedly by development projects, the Oujé-Bougoumou Cree wandered boreal Quebec for 70 years before finding a permanent home. For some, the journey continues.
By Julian Brave NoiseCat
with photography by Christian Fleury
Translating as "over the land," this trail connects the communities of Iqualuit and Kimmirut across southern Baffin Island, spanning both age-old traditions and recent change.
By Ossie Michelin
with photography by David Kilabuk
The story of how a critically endangered Indigenous language can be saved.
By Betty Ann Adam
Phyllis Webstad turns her residential school experience into a powerful tool for reconciliation through Orange Shirt Day
By Lisa Charleyboy
with photography by Ben Powless